Therapeutic Effect of Special Acupuncture in the Treatment of Facial Paralysis
中文关键词: 针刺  面神经麻痹  电针
英文关键词: Acupuncture  Facial paralysis  Electroacupuncture
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      目的:探寻治疗周围性面瘫的特殊针刺治疗方法。方法:将93例面神经麻痹患者随机分为观察组(50例)和对照组(43例)。观察组选取面部瘫痪表情肌穴位,额肌(阳白、阳白旁开1寸)、眼轮匝肌、颧肌(颧髎、巨髎)、提上唇肌(上迎香、迎香)、口轮匝肌(夹水沟、夹承浆、地仓),浅刺针体穿行于肌层,每组穴位加电针断续波治疗。对照组以常规治疗方法选取穴位,加电针以疏密波治疗。比较两组的临床疗效、病程和House-Brackmann ( H-B )分级及面神经功能评分情况。结果:观察组的总有效率为98.0%(49/50),优于对照组的90.7%(39/43),两组比较P<0.05;痊愈患者在不同时间段的痊愈率上,观察组均明显优于对照组;两组治疗后的H-B面神经功能分级及面神经功能评分均较治疗前明显提高,观察组提高更明显。结论:特殊针刺疗法在治疗面神经麻痹上疗效明显优于常规针刺疗法,不仅大大的缩短了疗程,也减少了面瘫后遗症的出现。
      Objective:To explore the therapeutic effect and prognosis of special acupuncture in the treatment of peripheral facial paralysis .Methods:93 patients with facial paralysis were randomly divided into an observation group (50 cases) and a control group (43 cases).The patients in the observation group received the acupunc-ture treatment in acupoints related to paralysis of facial expression muscles , including frontal muscle ( Yangbai GB14 and the acupoints about 3 cm beside Yangbai ) , orbicularis oculi muscle , zygomatic muscle ( Quanliao SI18 and Juliao ST3), levator labii superioris muscle (Shang Yingxiang EX -HN8 and Yingxiang LI20) and orbicularis oris muscle (Jia Shuigou, Jia Chengjiang, Dicang ST4).The needles were inserted superficially and entered the muscular layer , and electroacupuncture was additionally performed in each acupoint for discontinu -ous wave therapy .The patients in the control group received the conventional acupuncture treatment in the com-monly-selected acupoints , with electrical currents being applied for disperse -dense wave treatment .The clin-ical therapeutic effect , pathogenesis and House -Brackmann ( H-B ) grade and facial nerve function score were compared between two groups .Results:The total effective rate of the observation group was 98.0%(49/50) and higher than that in the control group (90.7%,39/43) (P<0.05).For well-cured patients, the av-erage effective time , significantly-effective time and well-curing time were all significant better than those in the control group.After treatment, the H-B facial nerve function grade and facial nerve function score of two groups were significantly improved as compared with those before treatment .Conclusion:The therapeutic effect of the special acupuncture treatment on facial paralysis is significantly superior to the conventional acupunctured treatment,and the course of treatment is greatly reduced , and the incidence of facial paralysis sequelae is re-duced .
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