韩,旭,胡,丹.特定穴在肠癌术后胃肠运动功能恢复中的作用[J].针灸临床杂志,2014,3(1):10-12 |
特定穴在肠癌术后胃肠运动功能恢复中的作用 |
Effect of Specific Points on Gastrointestinal Motor Recovery of Postoperative Intestinal Cancer |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 特定穴 针灸疗法 肠癌术后 胃肠功能 |
英文关键词: Specific points Acupuncture Postoperative intestinal cancer Gastrointestinal motor |
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中文摘要: |
目的:探讨特定穴在肠癌术后胃肠运动功能恢复中的作用。方法:将120例结直肠癌根治术后患者按照会诊先后顺序随机分为特定穴组和红霉素组各60例,两组均在常规治疗方法的基础上,红霉素组:给予注射用红霉素0.6 g日1次,20 ml/h静脉滴注,连续3天。特定穴组:给予针刺特定穴(中脘、天枢、足三里、上巨虚、内关、公孙)治疗,日1次,治疗3天。结果:术后患者首次肠鸣音出现时间、排气时间、排便时间、进流食时间,特定穴组均快于红霉素组,有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。两组总有效率特定穴组为96.67%,红霉素组88.33%,两组比较有统计学意义( P<0.05)。结论:针刺特定穴在肠癌术后胃肠运动功能恢复中优于红霉素治疗。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective:To explore the effect of specific points on gastrointestinal motor recovery in postoperative intestinal cancer .Methods:120 patients after radical resection of colorectal cancer were randomized into specific points group and erythromycin group with 60 in each group.In addition to routine therapy , the erythromycin group was given erythromycin 0.6g every day 20ml/h by injection for three days ,the specific points group was given puncturing specific points(Zhongwan, Tianshu, Zusanli, Shangjuxu, Neiguan, Gongsun)every day for three days .Results:Restoration of the intestinal sound , first anal flatus and defecation in the specific points group were much earlier than those in the erythromycin group .The difference had a statistical significance ( P<0.05).The total effective rate of the specific points group it was 96.67%,while in the erythromycin group it was 88.34%.The difference of the clinical effect between the two groups had a statistical significance ( P<0.05 ) .Conclusion:Puncturing the specific points is more effective than erythromycin for the gastrointestinal motor recovery of postoperative intestinal cancer . |
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