Rules of acupoint selection in electroacupuncture treatment for lower motor neurogenic urinary retention based on data mining technology
投稿时间:2019-06-29  录用日期:2019-08-23
中文关键词: []电针  尿潴留  数据挖掘  取穴规律研究
英文关键词: electroacupuncture  lower motor neurogenic urinary retention  data mining technology  acupoint selection rule study
基金项目:类别: 国家重点研发计划中医药现代化研究重点专项(项目编号:2017YFC1703602)课题名称:电针治疗神经源性尿潴留、膀胱过度活动症的疗效评价#$NL
张婷 湖北省中医院 430061
韦丹* 湖北省中医院 430061
毛慧芳 湖北省中医院 430061
蔡炜文 湖北中医药大学 430000
曾玉娇 湖北中医药大学 430000
摘要点击次数: 97
全文下载次数: 0
      目的:探讨电针治疗下运动神经源性尿潴留的选穴规律,为临床治疗下运动神经源性尿潴留提供参考。方法:计算机检索PubMed、中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、维普、万方医学数据库中从1979年1月至2018年12月公开发表的电针治疗下运动神经源性尿潴留的相关临床文献,经过筛选,提取电针选穴信息建立数据库,用数据挖掘技术进行数据分析并得出结论。结果:频次排名前三的穴位分别是:三阴交、中极、阴陵泉。经脉频次排名前三的是足太阳膀胱经、足太阴脾经、任脉。常用穴位多分布在下肢及腹背部。关联规则分析中相关度较高的穴位配伍有“阴陵泉-三阴交”、“ 足三里-三阴交”、“中髎-次髎”,聚类分析结果显示三阴交为治疗下运动神经源性尿潴留的重要穴位。结论:临床多选择“三阴交”配伍同名经或表里经腧穴、或是近部选穴如“中髎-次髎”组成电针穴位处方。
      Objective To explore the rule of acupoint selection of electroacupuncture(EA) for lower motor neurogenic urinary retention and provide reference for clinical treatment. Methods The clinical research literature regarding EA for lower motor neurogenic urinary retention published from January of 1979 to December of 2018 were searched in PubMed, CNKI, VIP and Wanfang Medical Database. After screening, the information of acupoint selection was extracted to establish the database. Data mining technology was used to analyze to get valuable conclusions. Results The top three acupoints were Sanyinjiao(SP6), Zhongji(RN3) and Yinlingquan(SP9). The first three meridians with highest frequency were the bladder meridian of foot-taiyang, the spleen meridian of foot-taiyin and the conception vessel. Common acupoints were mostly distributed in lower limbs, abdomen and back.In the analysis of association rules, the acupoint compatibility with high degree of correlation included “Yinlingquan-Sanyinjiao”, “Zusanli-Sanyinjiao” and “Zhongliao-Zhiliao”. Cluster analysis showed that Sanyinjiao was an important acupoint for the treatment of lower motor neurogenic urinary retention. Conclusion Clinical selection of “Sanyinjiao” with the same name of meridian points or exterior-interior meridian points, or near selection of acupoints such as Zhongqiao-Ciqiao the prescription of electro-acupuncture points.
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