Analysis of Siguan points
投稿时间:2022-03-20  录用日期:2022-05-26
中文关键词: 四关穴  合谷  太冲  腧穴  临床运用
英文关键词: Siguan points  LI 4 (Hegu)  LR 3 (Taichong)  acupuncture points  clinical application
周绪柳 湖北中医药大学大学 430061
王华* 湖北中医药大学 430061
吴松 湖北中医药大学 430061
吴帆 湖北中医药大学 430061
摘要点击次数: 338
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      四关穴作为针灸临床要穴,不仅主治广,疗效高,而且见效快,取穴方便,被历代针灸医家和学者们所推崇。《针灸大成》中记载:“四关:四穴,即两合谷、 两太冲穴是也。”笔者在查阅经典古籍及现代文献后发现:开四关穴有众多的理论支撑,如标本根结理论、脏腑别通理论、五行生克制化理论、现代解剖理论、全息医学理论及微量医学观点等;同时,在临床运用上,合谷、太冲这一配伍有疏肝和胃、调畅气血;宣肺解痉、祛风止痛;醒脑开窍、镇惊安神之功。因此,本文从文献渊源对四关及四关穴进行辨析,对开四关穴的含义、理论依据和临床运用等方面进行阐述,以期能将四关穴更好地运用于针灸临床和理论研究中。
      As the key point of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion, Siguan point is not only widely treated, has high curative effect, but also has quick effect and convenient point selection, which has been praised by acupuncturists and scholars of all dynasties. "Acupuncture and Moxibustion Dacheng" recorded: "Four passes: four points, namely Lianghegu and two Taichong points are also. Through consulting classical ancient books and modern literature, the author found that kaisiguan point has many theoretical supports, such as the theory of root knot of specimen, the theory of zang-fu organs, the theory of restraint of five elements, modern anatomy theory, holographic medical theory and micromedical viewpoint, etc. At the same time, in clinical application, hegu and Taichong are compatible with liver and stomach, regulating qi and blood; Relieve spasmolysis, dispel wind and relieve pain; Wake up, calm the nerves. Therefore, this paper discriminates siguan and Siguan points from academic sources, and expounds the meaning, theoretical basis and clinical application of Kaisiguan points, so as to better apply Siguan points to clinical treatment and research.
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